What Should I Do if My Child Knocks Out a Baby Tooth?  

Knocking a tooth out can be a traumatic experience for your child and unsettling for you as a parent. The best thing you can do to help your child stay as calm as possible is to remain calm yourself. You should also understand that even knocking out a baby tooth requires a visit to an emergency dentist in Victorville, CA.

What to Do Immediately After Your Child Knocks Out a Tooth

If you can spot the tooth, pick it up by the crown and not the roots to avoid contaminating or bending them. You also want to avoid running the tooth under water if you notice dirt on it. However, you can gather a dish of lukewarm tap water and clean it that way.

If you think it’s possible to put the tooth back in its socket, gently place it there along with a gauze pad and have your child bite down until you reach our office. When it’s obvious that the tooth will not go easily back into the socket, place it in a small container of milk and bring it to your child’s appointment at A. Paul S. Bell, D.D.S., Inc.

Why a Knocked Out Baby Tooth Requires Immediate Attention

Parents sometimes make the mistake of thinking that their child can go without the knocked out baby tooth until a permanent tooth grows in. However, premature loss of primary teeth can lead to eating problems, crooked teeth, and overcrowding as the permanent teeth erupt. Dr. Bell will insert a space maintainer to prevent nearby teeth from shifting to the spot on the gums where your child lost the baby tooth.

Please contact our pediatric dental practice at 760-274-3897 when you require the services of our emergency dentist in Victorville, CA. Your call will go to an answering service that will page us if the emergency occurs after hours.


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