Teens and Dental Veneers: Parent FAQs

With the modern innovations in dental science and cosmetic dentistry, just about any smile imperfection can be corrected. Dental veneers in Victorville, CA are just one of many options for correcting imperfections, but parents often question if this treatment is available for teens. Here is a closer look.

Can teens get dental veneers?

Teens can get dental veneers just like adults; there is really no age limit for when a patient would be a good candidate for veneers. However, most dentists will only consider veneers for a teen that has sustained some level of trauma to their permanent teeth.

Why would veneers be recommended for a teen?

Most often, dental veneers are considered when a teen has specific problems with their smile. For example, if they have a tooth that is especially discolored due to damage or if they have teeth that are misshapen due to decay, veneers may be recommended. Veneers can be used purely for aesthetic reasons as well, such as if the teeth are too small or have an uneven surface.

Will veneers damage the underlying teeth?

Veneers can be installed without causing damage to the underlying teeth. In general, the process of installing veneers involves taking impressions, creating a veneer that is customized to adhere to the tooth, and then using a bonding agent to attach the veneer to the tooth. The underlying tooth does not usually have to be reshaped or manipulated in any way in order to be a good fit for a crown.

Talk to a Victorville, CA Dentist About Veneers for Your Teen

Even though dental veneers are primarily sought after by adults looking to improve the appearance of their smile, this cosmetic treatment is possible for teens with some Victorville, CA dentists. Reach out to us at A Paul S Bell, DDS Inc. to discuss options for your teen.

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